Saturday 11 June 2011

Lolita 30 ~ Day 2 ~ Lolita Loves

Day 2 – 10 things you love in lolita.

1. Prints! Although I love nonprinted items, I adore prints so much as they are usually very different from what you find in regular stores.

2. The colours. Some of my favourite colours like pink, pastels and bordeaux are really hard to come by elsewhere. Could do with more teal pieces when they are made they look incredible!

3. The different styles. They brings lots of very different people together under the lolita umbrella (or parasol) and allows for mixing of styles which leads to the creativity and uniqueness exhibited by some lolitas.

4. The history. Although lolita itself isn't that old, it draws on fashion from many different eras. I would never have even heard of Rococo without lolita! Fashion history is fun!

5. The feeling you get when you wear it. On a good day I flounce around feeling superior to all the sheep around me haha. The petticoat is best for this so it can swish-swish as you swagger along xP

6. Meet-ups! I have only been to 2 but I have already met so many wonderful people. It's almost like having real friends *is a sad person with no life*

7. The fact that it seems a good excuse to dress up, drink tea and eat cake.

8. The brands! I like offbrand too, but I love brand clothing and designs and could spend hours on their websites pining after things.

9. Availability. While some would complain that there aren't local stores and that things sell out so quickly, that isn't all bad. I wouldn't want every other girl to wear lolita as I feel that would take something special away. With Internet stores the items are more available now than ever, but the hunt for the perfect dress is part of the thrill and adds to the joy when you finally get your hands on it.

10. The message. While this is different for everyone, to me it means that you shouldn't give up on your dreams. You don't have to be the person people expect you to be or demand of you. You don't have to grow up. Traditionally feminine things are not the enemy.

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